Group Coaching and Chakra Yoga for Empowerment
May 3rd - June 18th, 2021
Empower Your Truth Within
This program is designed for womxn who are looking to embody their power. It focuses on self empowerment so that each person can take more control of their life. Each of us has the strength to be a force to be reckoned with but it can be easy to let the people and structures in our lives take over. It can be easy to find distractions and deny ourselves what is really true for us. It can be easy to let time pass us by without us enjoying any of it. If you’re feeling like it’s time for you to step into the person that you’re yearning to be, you’re in the right place.
This is a 7-week group coaching program that allows you to become more aware and open up to your intuition. Spend the time to listen to your mind, body, and soul in this trauma informed container. Kristin O’Donnell provides a safe and loving space for each student to listen and discover what they truly need to live a full and joyful life. She uses empowering leadership to create a supportive and loving space for all students.
Become the person you were meant to be
This program combines coaching tools and the wisdom of the chakras to help build each students inner support system so that they can more easily grow into the person they were meant to be. Each short yoga practice moves through shapes that help activate the chakras so the body opens up and releases any stuck energy.
This program will:
Help you gain more clarity on how to move forward in your life.
Allow you to release fear and self-doubt.
Change the way you feel about yourself so that you can make decisions from an empowered place.
Build more belief in yourself so you can go after your dreams.
Move your thoughts to focus on the positive and bring more joy into your life.
Remove blocks so you can move out of being stuck and into the flow.
Level up your mindset so you can open up to more abundance in your life.
This program is for womxn looking to level up their game. If you're tired of being told that you can't do it, this group coaching program will jump start you to where you want to be. Find the confidence you’ve needed to take it to the next level.
By combining the wisdom of yoga, chakra theory, and life coaching, this program takes a holistic approach to ensure a shift for each student.
This program is for any womxn who:
Is open to coaching and working on themselves consistently.
Feels that they need a change but something is holding them back from making the move.
Is tired of being told they can't do the thing and wants to do the damn thing.
Is ready to do the work and learn how to make changes with the strength and confidence needed.
Needs support and a community to help them along their journey.
Is hard working and dedicated but doesn’t feel they are where they want to be.
Has the tendency to people please and is looking to step out of that pattern of behavior.
Wants to step out of the societal ‘norms’ and move into their true authentic self.
Knows they have blocks but need guidance in how to move past them.
Doesn’t feel motivated and is looking for someone to light a fire under their ass.
If you want to lead the ranks of empowered womxn across the globe, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity.
Included in this program:
7 group coaching calls on Monday evenings at 7:30pm EST. Calls are recorded.
Weekly yoga videos and affirmations
Facebook Group to connect with fellow students
Weekly Worksheets to help understand the weekly topics
Each week, you’ll get a worksheet that helps you work through the coaching topics. The short yoga practice incorporates chakra theory to allow students to practically apply the coaching lessons. Students can choose to use the affirmations as they see fit. Group coaching calls provide for time to go over the topics, ask questions, and get coached.
Weekly Topics:
Creating Your Foundation and Becoming Aware
Opening Up to Fluidity and Noticing Your Thoughts
Embracing Your Power and Discovering Intentional Thoughts
Finding Compassion and Dealing with the Spin Out
Listening for Your Truths and Finding Intentional Choices
Tuning into Intuition and Opening Up to More Joy
Integrating and Opening Up Space in Your Daily Practice
If you’re ready to make a change and are feeling fired up, let’s do this!
Investment: $999
Learn how to break away from old habits and take the initiative for your own empowerment. Find the leadership skills needed to live your life to the fullest.
If you’re ready to move against the grain and let your heart take over, you will finally thrive. Life shouldn’t be about surviving, let’s start thriving. Show yourself you can do anything. We know you can, it’s time to believe in yourself.
Want to join but need financial help? A payment plan of 3 payments of $333 is available at the link below.
Kristin has been working with coaching and yoga clients since 2016. She has seen trauma in her family and knows how it can pass through each generation. She provides safe trauma informed spaces for people to heal and grow. Kristin created this program to help her clients find their inner strength to take charge of what they want to create in their lives. She believes that we all have the power to be happy but many of us become stuck in what other people think. Her mission is to create empowerment education to help womxn listen to themselves so they can tap into their intuition and inner joy.
Still not sure if this is the right program for you? Contact me
Kristin is here to answer any questions you have about anything related to the Empower Me Group Coaching Program. Contact her today to find out more.
We start May 3rd.
Are you ready to take action toward your best life?